Do ut des”: a small phrase with a great meaning – give, to receive. Our ancestors knew with certainty that the first rule of getting anything is to give something in return. As part of the Unione Viticoltori di Panzano in Chianti know this too, and this is why we treat the land and the vineyard with love and respect. Only in this way can we be reciprocated, and offer the best to those who drink our wines!

In the center of the fairytale landscape of Chianti Classico, immersed in a region famous for centuries for the great quality of its viticulture, you’ll find our beloved Panzano. Soils rich in marl and the right amount of clay, at an ideal altitude for the vines, flooded with intense brightness, and with a favorable microclimate: the perfect formula for obtaining exceptional wines.

The Union of Viticulturists of Panzano in Chianti was founded in 1995, to bring together vignerons motivated to produce wines of the highest quality, who operate in respect of the vineyard, the environment, and consequently, the customers. Vecchie Terre di Montefili is proud to count itself among the 22 members, united under this philosophy that guides everything we do.

What We Believe

“As surely as in wine there is truth,
I’ll tell you everything, with no secrets.”
William Shakespeare

We of the Union of Winemakers of Panzano in Chianti have no secrets: we are only interested in sharing our philosophy. We are convinced that the concept of quality cannot be separated from respect for biodiversity and the defence of the health of the environment, consumers and operators. This is why the production cycle of our wines is based on the principles of organic farming. For example, we do not use herbicides, fertilizers and other chemicals, and we protect the vines from parasites by means of predatory insects. We also cultivate plants to be used as “green fertilizer” to maintain or increase the fertility of the soil.

We want to present to consumers products not only of great quality, but also of high ethical and social value. We are proud to be the first wine-growing biodistrict in Italy, where 90% of the vineyards are worked according to organic and biodynamic farming criteria.

As Ruggero Mazzilli, an agronomist specializing in organic viticulture, who has been offering his collaboration to the winemakers of Panzano for years, argues, bio-agriculture is essential not only to protect the environment, but also to avoid expiring in the approval. Working the vines in a bio-sustainable way allows to enhance the character and personality of each wine, enhancing its typical characteristics, such as aroma, flavor and color, without altering the deep bond that binds the vine to the territory.

For several years, the Association has been able to count on the support of SPEVIS, Stazione Sperimentale per la Viticoltura Sostenibile di Panzano in Chianti, a very important reference point for members.

It’s true that unity is strength, however, the Union of Viticulturists of Panzano in Chianti is not just a group of passionate winemakers, who draw energy and strength for their work from the partnership. It is also the tangible sign of a wisdom that is expressed through the adoption of a healthy and responsible way of thinking and lifestyle, which respects others and the environment, to offer the precious fruits of nature to the community.