Our Ethos

The way we intend and make viticulture happen

Cultivating with Care

Sustainability, biodiversity and minimum environmental impact.
These are the drivers to great farming and authentic winemaking.

Guardians of Sustainability

Adopting sustainable practices means protecting the planet Earth for future generations. We are convinced that every choice must be made with respect for our environment and the health of the vineyards.
At Vecchie Terre di Montefili, we collaborate with scientists and botanists from Vite Nova Vine Wellness, we undertake a multi-year scientific project to monitor and improve the health of our vineyards. Through regular flora and microfauna sampling, we ensure our activities enhance the ecosystem rather than deplete it.

Certified Harmony

In 2022, we earned the Diversity Ark certification, registered with EUIPO and certified by CSQA.
This certification emphasises soil biodiversity and environmental respect, employing a holistic approach to agriculture.
As a certified company, we adhere to strict regulations, avoiding herbicides and health-risk pesticides. Our scientific methods include biodiversity monitoring, soil sampling, and analysis of arthropod insects and flora.

Our Goal is Simple

A Symphony of Biodiversity

Our vineyard exists within a larger ecological cycle, where plant, animal, and microbial life contribute to the overall health of the environment and the quality of our grapes.

By minimising our environmental impact and adopting a holistic approach, we ensure the sustainability of our business and the ecosystem.

We implement the necessary measures to protect the environment:

Organic vs. Sustainable

While organic certification limits products used during grape growing, our commitment to sustainability encompasses broader environmental, social, and economic impacts. Therefore, we have chosen not to pursue organic certification, as it does not fully represent our comprehensive approach.

Importance of Working with Nature

Biodiversity is crucial for tackling climate change and maintaining the health of our planet. It encompasses the variety of life forms, genetic variability, and ecosystems that support human existence.

If treated respectfully, nature ensures the balance of it all, protecting us from pollution, floods, and climate change.

That’s why we are promoting biodiversity in our vineyards, as it helps:

Try Our
Wine Range

Enter our cellars, and enjoy the treasures of biodiversity now.